Sunday, February 8, 2015

More truth...............

There are so many things I could post but not sure where to go next.......

So..........Let's talk about Area 51.

There are people that say in the 40's when we started using nuclear weapons, our ET friends (maybe friends) came down to talk to tell us that we were ruining our planet (or their planet). It has been speculated that in June of 1947 we recovered an alien spacecraft  with 4 alien beings inside that crashed in the desert of Roswell, New Mexico. Wikipedia goes on and on describing the big cover up. I won't get into all the speculation.......Let's get straight to the truth, shall we?

I am going to show you one video that blew my mind.

This man, Phil Scneider, made this speech. He claims to have been a goverment employee/contractor working at Area 51. He was killed 2 months after making this speech. For information on Paul Scneider..... Check out this link.....

Video of his speech:

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